Star Trek New Frontier Boldly Goes!!!!

Back in the 1997, the Star Trek books editors wanted to try something different.

They were tired of how the books couldn’t really change the characters, they were just allowed to tell what they considered routine adventures.  Some fans, like me, were fine with that, but other fans, like me, wanted epic scale and massive changes all the time. 

So the concept of Star Trek New Frontier was born, with editor John J. Ordover and writer Peter David being the proud parents. 

New Frontier takes place in the time of Next Generation in the movies era after First Contact.  The expansive dictatorial and secretive Thallonian Empire has collapsed and chaos seems to be thriving inside this far flung area.  The Federation wants to help, but is not sure how to, so a decision is made to send a single Starship in to render aid and assess the situation internally.  It is risky, but as one Captain stated, risk is our business. 

Soon a ship, Captain and crew are picked and head out, and immediately run into issues galore in the once powerful Empire, subjects that tax their moral dilemmas.  They also face numerous personal issues, that tax themselves and their relationships.  This is just the sort of drama Peter David excels at, making this book series a perfect fit for him. 

David populates the Excalibur with his own creation, Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, a strong willed man who led a revolution as a teen on his planet and then was recruited into Starfleet by Captain Picard and his First Officer Jack Crusher.  He becomes a Captain, faces trouble, does some dirty work for the Federation, and is now back in charge.  Part of me thinks this was originally supposed to be Commander Quentin Stone from David’s A Rock And A Hard Place Next Gen novel. 

The rest of the crew is a mix of characters David created in his excellent Starfleet Academy trilogy of Young Readers novels starring Cadet Worf.  This includes Security Chief toughie Zak Kebron, Vulcan Science Officer Soleta, and odd genius Navigator Mark McHenry.  Others are minor recurring characters from various Next Gen episodes, like Commander Shelby from the famous Best Of Both Worlds cliffhanger, the Vulcan Dr Selar, and Robin Lefler who quotes her own unique set of life rules.  Completely new are Engineer Burgoyne 172, who is from a race of she/he beings who are unafraid to explore their sexuality, which leads to David really getting into gender issues and language amongst other topics, and also new is Prince Si Cwan from the former Empire.  He knew it was troubled and tried to reform it but to no avail, so now he serves as “Ambassador” and guide while he searches for his sister. 

With this cast, David explores a zillion subplots, including the previous romantic relationship between Calhoun and Shelby, the purely sexual dating of McHenry and Burgoyne 172, Dr Selar having PTSD because her husband died during wedding night Pon Farr, Dr Selar’s hormones sending signals to Burgoyne 172, and Soleta dealing with a shocking family secret.  As you can tell, David does not shy away from tackling controversial stories, and with the premise of New Frontier being that things can evolve, you can tell things are going to move forward in very fascinating ways.  Which, by the way, they do.  New Frontier goes on with twenty something books, and I know that characters get married and have children and leave the ship, and alot of not so nice things happen as well. 

The setup for New Frontier is spread over four slim paperbacks, which I think were originally designed to be a hardcover.  The scope of the story is big enough, and the richness of the crew personalities, do warrant this.  And besides Picard and Crusher, we also get cameos from Riker, now Admiral Jellico who is still an ass, and the awesome Ambassador Spock!  At one point, a certain Engineer from Kirk’s Enterprise is maybe possibly mentioned.  Was he supposed to be a part of this as well? 

David is creating a great tapestry in New Frontier, one worthy of a modern day streaming service and would be definitely be an award-winning hit.  That would be awesome. 


… is currently reading M.Y.T.H. Inc in Action by Robert Asprin. I started reading this series in the 1980’s and am finishing it, starting with this one published in 1990, from 31 years ago. Thanks to my brothers for the loan.

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