Star Trek New Frontier Martyr Is Another Great Tale!!!!!

It kicked off with four slim paperbacks, telling a grand story with multiple subplots and personal entanglements, that was a wonderful start to a massive adventure, introducing us to a new crew and mission. 

Now, with the training wheels of the hello’s and whatcha doing taken care of, we get a full novel length story. 

Star Trek New Frontier Book 5 Martyr is written by Peter David, based on the concept by John J. Ordover and Peter David.  It takes place in the movie era of The Next Generation, as the huge dictatorship Thallonian Empire has collapsed and the Federation has sent a Starship into the region to render assistance and survey the situation.  Into this is the rebellious Captain Calhoun of the Starship Excalibur and his people being recurring characters from The Next Generation, like Dr Selar, and ones David created in previous novels, like Zak Kebron. 

Taking place shortly after book four, Excalibur goes to a planet where an ancient prophecy states that Calhoun is their saviour after centuries of war.  Calhoun goes along, even with some in his crew saying this is not a good idea.  After some celebrations and some suspicions, Calhoun goes missing and they say he is dead.  Rescue missions, yes missions, and more mysteries abound, with David closing off this story and neatly setting up another. 

Which brings up a qualm or two I have with Martyr.  How the villain is defeated is obvious from the very beginning, and as to what is really going on, longtime Trek fans can make really really good guesses as to what is going on.  David also really really loves to reference other Trek, so yeah who the Big Bad could be is simply a reference guide away. 

But as a sophomore story, it is still an excellent tale with David’s amazing character development on full display yet again.  Dr. Selar and Burgoyne 172 have their relationship enter a new phase, one that surprises both of them, and Shelby shows us how great a battle tactician she is, even under great duress.  We also see Soleta in command, which is cool to see another rebellious person in charge.  Wonder what will happen when another rebellious officer and her clash? 

David also introduces a new spacefaring enemy, who are powerful and fanatical and genocidal.  He needs recurring villains, as any Trek series does, and these ones are almost as scary as the Borg.  Almost. 

I don’t have the rest of the New Frontier book series, some fifteen more volumes, but do know generally what happens here and their throughout the rest of them.  Someday I would love to finish New Frontier and see this grand voyage of selfless humanity play out. 


… is currently reading M.Y.T.H. Inc in Action by Robert Asprin. I started reading this series in the 1980’s and am finishing it, starting with this one published in 1990, from 31 years ago. Thanks to my brothers for the loan.

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