One Scoop, One Kindle, And 50 Star Trek Books!!!

Being a lifelong bookie, it is a sure bet I have many sources for reading material. 

Libraries, bookstores, garage sales, and conventions were great places in the past and are still great places in the present. Adding online bookstores, ebooks, and Little Free Libraries these last several years have also been excellent. 

After many many years of rarely using my old kindle, I finally started going through the few books I had on it. 

Then I began making up for a mistake I made years and years back, one that Googliebear tried to prevent. For a long time I would troll used bookstores and pickup every Star Trek novel I could find, leading to a very large collection of Gene Roddenberry’s creation. All in order of continuity because I am anal-retentive. But…. Here’s the rub. In a classic eyes bigger then my stomach, I only read five of Kirk and Spock ones, and I had almost 60 of them. Now my Next Generation collection fared better, with almost all 30 that I owned having been read. 

Now stopping getting these books happened for two reasons. One was that they were taking up so much space, and I was too stubborn to flip them on their side and put one stack in front of the other. Two was they were putting out more and more books, with mini-series galore and crossovers, that it was all very overwhelming and felt impossible to catch up with. So I made a faithful decision and only kept the books that I had read and loved, and even that continued dwindling as more years went by. Because, well, I kept adding more books, because I am a sick sick individual. 

So last year I started adding Star Trek novels to my kindle, aiming for ones on sale because I am of course very cheap, and aiming even more for those ones I got rid of. And adding and adding. 

And for awhile now I have been reading and reading those first 50 numbered Star Trek paperbacks, even through I have only scored 13 of them so far. Kirk and Spock and McCoy have been thrilling me with their adventures and moral conundrums and wow is it fun. 

Other series are also being picked up, with Picard and Sisko and Janeway and Archer showing up in my digital to be read pile. I am still being picky with the dozens of mini-series that I knew of back then and those that I have now just found out about, because their are still a gazillion of them. 

Does non Star Trek books exist on my kindle?  Yep!  Seeing all sorts of free books and cheap series have caused me to really fill up the device. And I plan to keep everyone in suspense as to what they are until I announce I am reading them. Googliebear knows because she knows everything. 

The best part of this is rectifying a mistake. The other best part is that no tons of shelf space are filled. The last best part is hopefully this feels like a Star Trek book commercial not a Kindle commercial. 

Googliebear thinks it is a post about how she is always right. And she is right about that. 


… is reading Star Trek book #4 The Covenant of the Crown by Howard Weinstein on my Kindle.

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About scoopsmentalpropaganda

Married to beautiful wife. Always learning a ton of stuff. Geek with too much useless knowledge. fb page:!/pages/Scoops-Mental-Propaganda/192314550819647 twitter & twitpic: Scoopriches AboutMe Page: This site is an @Scoopriches production
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